Building Name

Mount Street Board Schools, Brecon

1892 - 1893
New build
B Jenkins, Brecon

BOARD SCHOOLS, BRECON - The corner-stone of the new Board schools in Mount-street, Brecon, was laid by the Mayor of the Borough, Colonel Morgan, on the 15th ult. The accommodation will be for 198 infants, in three rooms on the ground-floor, where are also all the cloak-rooms and lavatories, the mixed schoolroom and two class-rooms for 119 boys and 119 girls being above. Mr. E. H. Lingen Barker, of Hereford, is Architect to the Board and the contractor of these schools is Mr. B. Jenkins, of Brecon, whose contract amounts to £2,586. [Builder 7 May 1892 page 265]

NEW BOARD SCHOOLS AT BRECON - On Thursday afternoon his Worship the Mayor of Brecon (Mr. Lewis Williams) opened the new Mount-street Board Schools at Brecon, in the presence of a large number of spectators.  The foundation stone of the new school-) was laid on the 16th of March last year by the then mayor, Colonel John Morgan, who received a silver trowel and ivory mallet with an appropriate inscription. The new board schools were designed by Mr. E. B. Lingen Barker, architect of Hereford, London, and Swansea, and were built by Mr. B. Jenkins, contractor, Brecon, the clerk of works appointed by the board being Mr Thomas Cawsey, Treforest. The schools themselves cover a space of ground 70ft. by 48ft., with outhouses, offices, and lavatories on the latest principle. The lighting of the building is done by 50 burners, the ventilation by Boyle's fresh air inlet ventilators and by upper opening windows, whilst for warmth the schools are fitted throughout with Shorland's patent hot air grates, the delivery from which enters the rooms at 10ft. high. The general furniture has been carefully arranged, and is all that can be desired. The playground and schools will be entered by double gates. The site cost £1,200, and the total cost of the building and fittings is £3,282. The style of architecture is Victorian and scholastic. [Evening Express 13 January 1893 page 4]

Reference    Builder 16 January 1892 page 53 – tenders
Reference    Evening Express 13 January 1893 page 4