Building Name

Park Inn (Park Hotel)

142 Monton Road
Monton, Eccles
GMCA, England

Lengthy reports of an application made to the Eccles Brewster Sessions for a spirits licence and permission to re-build the inn appeared in the local press. N H Hacking explained the proposals which included the demolition of three cottages at the rear and one at the side of the existing building. Six bedrooms and a club room would be added and the outdoor department would be entirely shut off from the rest of the house. The licence was finally granted, subject to various amendments of the plans including the omission of the club room.

Reference    Eccles and Patricroft Journal Friday 6 September 1901 Page 8 Column 3
Reference    Eccles and Patricroft Journal, 4 October 1901 Page 5 11 October Page 8