Building Name

Proposed Enlargement: Manchester Infirmary and Dispensary, Piccadilly

1825 - 1831
Central, Manchester
GMCA, England
New Build

Richard Lane was instructed by the building committee to prepare plans for the extension of the Infirmary. A set of unsolicited alternative plans prepared by Clark Rampling (qv) were not adopted.

PROPOSED ENLARGEMENT OF THE INFIRMARY. A general special board of the trustees of the Infirmary was held at the Board Room on Thursday, in order to consider and decide upon a plan for the intended alterations. A circular had previously been transmitted by order of the weekly board to each trustee, with the information that the building committee had unanimously reported in favour of a plan prepared by Mr Lane, by their direction, and under their superintendence. Mr Pooley, on behalf of the building committee, gave a long and perspicuous detail of the present arrangements of the house, and of the additional accommodation it was desirable to provide; and having shown how fully these were attained on Mr Lan’s plan, concluded by moving its adoption. The motion was seconded by Mr Gill. Several other trustees and some of the medical gentlemen expressed their satisfaction with it, and their reasons for preferring it to the design submitted by Mr Rampling; chiefly because the latter involved the covering of a large portion of the present gardens, and did not provide the additional accommodation wanted for patients in the manner thought most desirable. It was stated, however, that Mr Lane, having been employed by the building committee, had had the benefit of their instructions and suggestions, whereas Mr Rampling had presented his design gratuitously, having prepared it without those advantages as regards consultation etc. which Mr Lane had enjoyed. Ultimately Mr Lane’s very elegant design, which was exhibited in the room, and the expense of which it was stated would be about £8,000, was unanimously adopted; thanks being voted to Mr Rampling for the plan furnished by him. The sum subscribed for the alterations being as yet much below what they are estimated to cost, we earnestly call upon our fellow townsmen to come promptly forward with their contributions, so as to enable the committee to proceed, without loss of time, in those enlargements which the increase in our population renders so imperatively necessary, and which it is also intended to accompany by such embellishments in the building generally, as will make it greatly ornamental to one of our most public entrances into town. It is proposed to case the entire building with stone. The resolutions adopted will be found on our first page. [Manchester Guardian 21 May 1825, page 3]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 21 May 1825 page 3 – report of meeting of Trustees
Reference    Manchester Guardian 21 May 1825 page 1 – details of resolutions