Building Name

Proposed Pier Folkestone

Kent, England
The Marine Piers Company Limited
Proposed design

APPLICATION FOR PROVISIONAL ORDER FOR POWERS TO ERECT A. PIER AT FOLKESTONE - To construct and maintain, a promenade pier, jetty, and; landing place, with all proper works, sea-walls, terraces, approaches, toll houses, toll-gates, buildings, and other conveniences connected therewith, for the embarking 'and landing of passengers, and for other purposes, in the parish and liberty of the town of Folkestone, and limb, of the Cinque Port Liberty of Dover, in the county of Kent, and on the foreshore and bed of the  sea adjoining that parish, commencing at a point on the. foreshore 60 yards from the flagstaff in the Pavilion Hotel Gardens, measured in a southerly direction, and 140 yards distant from the south-west corner of the Harbour Station, measured in a westerly direction, and extending thence seaward in a southerly direction, for a distance of 800 feet or thereabouts, where it terminates.

Reference           London Gazette 26 November 1880 page 6240