Thomas Hardy Taylor
- Born : 1834
- Baptism : 4 January 1835 Manchester Cathedral
- Marriage : 1857 Mary Louisa Jones
- Died : 13 January 1869
Thomas Hardy Taylor was born at Manchester, and was articled to Mr George Shorland, Surveyor to the Corporation of that city, from 1850 to 1855. He remained as an assistant in the City Surveyor’s office until April, 1860, when he received the appointment of Surveyor to the borough of Ipswich. This he retained until the 22nd of May, 1862. After this he was employed by the Contractors of the West Riding and Grimsby railway. On the failure of Messrs Smith, Knight, and Co. he entered the office of Mr P Pons, architect and surveyor of Manchester, and there he remained, being regarded as a steady, industrious, and efficient assistant, up to the time of his death, which occurred on the 13th of January, 1869, from consumption, of which he had been a sufferer for four years and a half. He was elected an Associate of the Institution on the 9th of April, 1861. [Institute of Civil Engineers Memoirs 1871]