1874 Chester Street Schools (Architectural Competition)
In response to the advertisement issued by this Board on September 6th last, inviting Architects to compete for the erection of schools on a plot of land in Chester-street, Ardwick, 54 designs were submitted by 48 competitors. The number of applicants for printed instructions was in the first instance so great that it was deemed necessary to issue a subsequent advertisement, stating that no more need apply, as 132 copies had up to that time been distributed. The conditions stipulated that accommodation should be provided for 400 infants, 200 boys, and 200 girls; the proposed cost being restricted to the moderate sum of £4 10s. per head. The site was a very difficult one to deal with. The drawings are noticed as they were arranged by the Board, in the following order:—
1. Messrs Clegg & Knowles, Manchester.—This very symmetrical and well-arranged plan has a covered play-ground for infants in the basement, and three separate entrances in the Tempest-street front. The view shows a plain and suitable building of three storeys
Reference British Architect Volume 1, 6 February 1874 Page 91
Reference British Architect Volume 1, 27 February 1874 Page 137
Reference Building News 6 March 1874 page 250-251