Building Name

Additions: St Barnabas Schools Elizabeth Street Manchester

1851 - 1852
Elizabeth Street
Cheetham, Manchester
GMCA, England

TO BUILDERS - ST BARNABAS’S SCHOOLS - Parties desirous of submitting Tenders for the Several Works required to be done in the Erection of the Additions to St Barnabas’s Schools, Elizabeth Street, Manchester, may see the Drawings and Specifications at our offices from Monday the 24th inst to Saturday 12 June. Tenders will be received for the whole of the works in one amount; or for the following works in two amounts separately. No.1 the Excavating, Brickwork and Masonry. No.2 the Carpenter and Joiners’ work, the Slating, the Plumbing and Glazing, and the Plastering and Painting. Tenders ... to be delivered to our offices on Monday 14 June. Travis and Mangnall, architects, 3 Norfolk Street. 20 May 1852

Reference    Manchester Guardian 22 May 1852 page 11 - contracts
Reference    Manchester Guardian 29 May 1852 page 11 - contracts
Reference    Manchester Archive Ref No M28/2: Title Saint Barnabas'. (No. 553) Plans for alterations including the construction of an additional storey. Drawings dated March 1851