Building Name

All Saints Church, Ellamsbridge Road, Sutton, St Helens

1891 - 1893
Ellambridge Road
Sutton, St Helens
Merseyside, England
New build
Grade II
Samuel Webster, Bootle

The new parish church of All Saints in Ellams Bridge Road, Sutton, near St. Helen’s, Lancashire, was consecrated on Saturday. It has been built from plans prepared by Messrs. Paley, Austin, and Paley, of Lancaster, and Mr. Samuel Webster, Bootle, secured the contract for its erection, the sub-contractor for the masonry being Mr. Charles Burt, of Wellington-road, Liverpool. The style is Perpendicular with flowing tracery. The whole of the external walls are of red sandstone, while internally it has been fitted with pitch-pine throughout. Accommodation is found for about 600 worshippers, the edifice consisting of a nave, north and south aisles, chancel, and transepts, and, what has yet to be erected, a central tower. The total length is 122ft. and the width 50ft. The roof is covered with green Westmoreland slates. [Building News 20 October 1893 page 506]

Built at a cost of £6,800, major benefactors included the glass manufacturer, William 'Roby' Pilkington, who provided the site plus £1000, and the Sutton Glass Works, William Blinkhorn, the manager of which, donating £500 of his own money together with £300 from shareholders. Tenders returned on 11 May 1891. The crossing tower was never built.