Building Name

All Saints Church Newton Heath: Extensions

1877 - 1880
Newton Heath, Manchester
GMCA, England

ALL SAINTS' CHURCH, NEWTON HEATH - The memorial stone of a new east end to All Saints' Church, Newton Heath, was laid by Mr. John Taylor, Brookdale, Newton Heath, on Saturday afternoon. A chancel, organ chamber, and vestries are comprised in the extension, the cost of which (£2,500) will be paid by Mr. Taylor. All Saints' Church was built at the time of the revival of Gothic architecture, and is not a perfect specimen of that style; but the new east end, though harmonising generally with the main portion of the building, will, we are informed, be of purer design. When the extension is finished the church will be capable of accommodating about 750, instead of 700, persons. Mr. Henry Lord, Manchester, in the architect, and Mr. James Herd, Ardwick, the contractor for the work. It is in contemplation also to improve the west end of the church by rebuilding the main entrance, baptistery, gallery staircases, and tower, the estimated cost being £3,500 towards which about £2,000 has already been obtained. The rebuilding of the tower has not, however, been definitely decided upon. [Manchester Times 19 October 1878 page 6]

Reference    Manchester Guardian Saturday 13 April 1878 Page 9. (Contracts)
Reference    1880 Henry Lord. The Builder 1880: I: 84.
Reference    Manchester Courier 14 October 1878 page 6
Reference    Manchester Times 19 October 1878 page 6 – foundations stone