Building Name

Black Horse Inn, Crescent Parade, Salford

1876 - 1877
GMCA, England
John Maycock
New Build
Demolished 2017

Designed for the victualler John Maycock in 1876 to replace an earlier public house. Plans in Salford archives signed Henry Lord archt.  In the re-building the pub was set back from the road slightly and was described as "a modern erection of imposing appearance", with vault, bar, parlour, two refreshment rooms, billiards room and drawing room. In 1888 under Thomas Moore - formerly of the Boat House in Northenden - advertised a concert room there.  The nearby Groves & Whitnall brewery bought the pub in 1898, then Greenall Whitley took over in 1961 until 1997 when a pub company took over.

John Maycock, Black Horse public house, Crescent, applied for a licence of the above character (spirit licence). The original Black Horse Inn had since the last Brewster sessions been pulled down, and a new building erected considerably larger than the old premises. The alterations having been made without authority from the licensing justices, the Chief Constable informed the applicant that the renewal of the licence was in jeopardy, and since receiving that intimation he had notified that he should make the present application. Me Leresche made the application, and after hearing him the Mayor stated that there was no doubt the licence would be granted, but before giving their decision, the Bench would visit the house. [Manchester Guardian August 1977 page 6]