British Schools Halton Street Charlestown Pendleton
PENDLETON (MANCHESTER) - New British Schools have been opened at Charlestown, Pendleton. The buildings cover the entire plot of land reserved at the back of the Charlestown Chapel, with frontages to Halton-street, Sligo-street and Trentham-street. The ground floor consists of a school-room 71 feet 6 inches by 37 feet 6 inches, with two class-rooms and a raised platform at the end; also an infants’ room 25 feet by 20 feet. The upper floor contains a school-room, 49 feet by 37 feet 6 inches, with fourteen class-rooms averaging 15 feet by 10 feet. The basement story, the ceiling of which is raised about 4 feet above the level of the ground, is arranged for a covered playground, except the small portion reserved for kitchen and lavatories etc., and is laid with Val de Travers asphalte. The large school-rooms have each two fireplaces, and the infants’ room one, in addition to which a hot water heating apparatus, provided by Messrs Haden & Son, is fitted up, capable of heating the whole of the schools and class-rooms. All the rooms are lofty, well-lighted and ventilated, the principal school-rooms having spacious windows on three sides. Allowing an area of 9 superficial feet, the infants’ room will accommodate 70 children, the ground floor upwards of 200, and the first floor about 250, in addition to which an area of 1658 superficial feet is provided in the classrooms to accommodate nearly 200 children. The buildings are of brick with stone dressings, in the Gothic style, and have been erected by Mr Mark Foggett, builder, Cheetham, from the designs and under the superintendence of Messrs Clegg and Knowles, architects, Manchester. [Builder 18 October 1873 Page 835]
Reference Builder 18 October 1873 Page 835