Broughton Suspension Footbridge Lower Broughton
THE NEW SUSPENSION BRIDGE BETWEEN LOWER BROUGHTON AND PEEL PARK - On Saturday afternoon the coping stone of the new suspension ridge about to be erected over the Irwell at the foot of Hough Lane, between Lower Broughton and Peel Park, was laid by Mr Robert Crossland in the presence of a numerous assemblage of spectators. The bridge, which will be six feet wide, is intended only for foot passengers, and consists of three spans, the centre opening being 130 feet wide and the two side openings 45 feet each. The height will be 13 feet 6 inches above the ordinary level of the river, or three inches above the flood mark if 1866. The structure will be of a plain substantial character, and the total cost will amount to something under ,1,000. The contractors are, for the ironwork, Messrs W Mabon and Company, Ardwick; and for the mason work, Mr Edward Johnson, builder. The pier on the Broughton side has already been completed and the foundation of the other is in course of excavation. The Mayor of Salford (T Davies Esq) presided at the ceremony; and there were also present several councillors of the borough. The Mayor opened the proceedings with a brief speech. He had only spoken a few sentences when part of the scaffolding on which the speakers were standing (and which was erected partly above the river) broke down and its occupants were precipitated into the water. Several persons were slightly bruised, and seven or eight, among whom was Mr Crossland, were treated to a ducking; but no serious injury occurred to anyone. When order was restored Mr Crawley MP presented to Mr Crossland a trowel and mallet to lay the stone. After the stone had been laid, Mr Crossland gave a history of the movement, the result of which they had met to celebrate. Mr J H Buxton said it was the intention of the promoters of the movement to have presented Mr Crossland with and address for the manner in which he had acted as chairman of the committee of inhabitants for procuring the new bridge, but the address had been lost in the river during the accident which had occurred. He proposed a vote of thanks to Mr Cawley MP for the interest he had taken in the question and for supplying the plans for the bridge, free of cost. [Manchester Guardian 30 August 1869 page 3]
BROUGHTON FOOTBRIDGE – The ceremony of opening the new suspension footbridge which has been erected at the foot of Hough Lane, between Broughton and Peel Park, took place on Saturday afternoon. The bridge is 135 feet in length, but the entire length of the structure is 240 feet. The footway is 6 feet wide and the ironwork, for which there are some 20 tons, rests upon two stone piers, while the chains are attached to anchors of considerable weight on each bank of the river. The total cost of the bridge, which has been defrayed wholly out of the Broughton rates, is about £1,000. The engineers are Messrs Cawley and Newton, who supplied the plans free of cost; and the contractors for the ironwork, Messrs W Mabon and Company, Ardwick; and for the mason work, Mr E Johnson, builder. The mayor (T Davies Esq) performed the opening ceremony. [Manchester Guardian 30 May 1870 page 3]
BROUGHTON FOOTBRIDGE, MANCHESTER - The ceremony of opening the new suspension footbridge which has been erected at the foot of Hough-lane, between Broughton and Peel Park, took place on Saturday afternoon. The centre opening is 135 feet in length, but the entire length of the structure is 240 feet. The footway is 6 feet wide, and the ironwork, of which there are some 20 tons, rests upon two stone piers, while the chains are attached to anchors of considerable weight on each bank of the river. The total cost of the bridge, which has been defrayed wholly out of the Broughton rates, is about £1,000. The engineers are Messrs Cawley & Newton, and the contractors for the ironwork, Messrs W. Mabon and Company, Ardwiok; and for the mason work, Mr. E. Johnson, builder. [Builder 11 June 1870 page 473]
Reference Manchester Guardian 30 August 1869 page 3
Reference Manchester Guardian 30 May 1870 page 3
Reference Manchester Courier Monday 30 May Page 3 Column 7
Reference Builder 11 June 1870 Page 473