Cemetery, Burnley (Architectural Competition)
CEMETERY – The plans and designs for the laying out of the grounds, and the erection of the buildings at the new Cemetery, have been exhibited for the purpose of being inspected by the committee appointed to award the prizes. There were twenty-two competitors, and upwards of 150 sheets of drawings. In consequence of the general excellence of the plans the committee had to meet on several occasions before coming to a decision. The first prize of £25 has been awarded to Mr Thomas Worthington, architect, Manchester; and the second of £15, to Mr Thomas Adams, architect, etc, Grimsby. [Manchester Guardian 12 May 1855 page 9]
CEMETERY AT BURNLEY - There were twenty-two competitors for the prizes offered by the Burnley Improvement Commissioners for the best plans of laying out twelve acres of land for a cemetery and the erection of a Protestant Chapel, a Roman Catholic Chapel, and a Dissenting Chapel, on the grounds. There have been upwards of one hundred Sheets of drawings to examine, and the first prize of £25 has been awarded to Mr. Thomas Worthington, architect, Manchester; and the second to Mr. Thomas Adams, of Grimsby. The latter is more particularly admired for the judicious laying out of the lands, and the former for architectural skill in the designs for the chapels [Blackburn Standard 16 May 1855 page 3]
Reference Manchester Guardian 12 May 1855 page 9
Reference Blackburn Standard 16 May 1855 page 3
Reference Civil Engineer and Architects Journal Volume 18 1855 page 216
Reference Burnley Advertiser 31 May 1856 page 3 – consecration