Church of St James, Eccles Old Road, Hope, Pendleton
MANCHESTER - St. James's Church, Hope - The ceremony of laying the foundation stone of this church was performed on Saturday last. The building is intended to accommodate 640 persons and its length will be 132 feet, breadth 67 feet, height 48 feet. The style is to be the English Gothic of the l5th century. The plan consists of a chancel, and a nave with lofty clerestory, and north and south aisles, divided from the nave by a double row of seven arches, on circular pillars. The chancel will be one quarter the whole length, having the desk and pulpit on either side of the arch. It will be flanked by an organ chamber and by the vestry on the north and south sides, and (rising three steps from the nave) will be terminated with an elegant east window of five lights. The most striking feature of the building will be a tower and spire, 100 feet high, disengaged from the church except at the base, where it will be joined to the north porch. The roof of the church will be open, with the rafters fully exposed. The main walls will be of Yorkshire pierrepoint, with dressings from the Storton Quarries Cheshire. The architect is Mr Walter Scott, of Liverpool.
Reference Manchester Guardian 26 August 1860 page 3
Reference Building News 24 August 1860 page 670
See also Crowther for restoration/re-building
See also Darbyshire for redecoration
CHECK – tower and spire added later?