Club House, Bowdon Golf Club, School Lane, Dunham Massey, Altrincham
BOWDEN GOLF HOUSE - This club is one of the oldest established golf clubs in the North. It was recently decided to build a new club-house, in place of the wooden erection which, with many alterations and additions, (hats served the purposes of a club-house ever since the club was founded about twenty years ago. An architectural competition was held, resulting in the plans and designs of Mr. Henry Goldsmith, of Manchester, being selected. Part of the existing club-house is utilised for a kitchen, and part for the fresh locker room in the new club-house. The erection. of the buildings is now in full progress, the contract having been secured by Mr J. Pennington, of Stamford-road, Bowden. [Building News 20 May 1910 Page 682].
Reference Building News 20 May 1910 Page 682 with perspective and plan.
Bowdon Golf Club was founded in 1890. The course was bounded by Waterhouse Lane, School Lane, Back Lane and the Bridgewater Canal, on the outskirts of Dunham Park Described as a good and testing nine-hole course, a subsoil of sand ensured good lies on the fairways. The principal hazards were artificial - sand bunkers a pond and various trees. Club membership averaged about 160 throughout. Sunday play was not allowed until after WW2. The club disappeared in the mid-1950s.