Building Name

Congregational Church Palatine Road Withington

1882 - 1883
Withington, Manchester
GMCA, England
New Build
W Southern and Sons, Salford

WITHINGTON CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH – The new Congregational Church in Palatine Road, Withington, was opened for Divine service last evening; the Rev Dr Macfadyen  conducting the first of a series of special services. The design of the church is the geometrical Gothic, and the building has been erected by Messrs W Southern and Sons, Salford, under the direction of the architect, Mr R T Tolson (sic), Deansgate. The church consists of nave, aisles, and transepts, and will seat 800 worshippers. The interior of the roof is supported by principals with horizontal tie beams carried across the nave. It is not open to the top, but has a boarded ceiling eight feet below the ridge, and divided into moulded panels. At the end of the church and under the organ gallery a room is provided to be used as a lecture hall and temporarily as a school. Minister’s and deacons’ vestries have also been built. There is also a large porch on each side of the front gable leading into the vestibule and divided from the body of the church by a screen with lead glazing. The building is heated by hot water, and thoroughly ventilated. The front elevation has a large central window, with two smaller windows in the gable of the transepts. The front entrance doors are massive and bold in appearance. In building the foundations of the tower concrete has been used to give stronger stability, so that at some future time the tower and spire may be carried up. The total height of the tower and spire necessary to complete the church externally is 150 feet from the ground line. The church has been built at a cost of £4,400. [Manchester Guardian 8 June 1883 page 7]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 6 July 1882 page 5
Reference    Manchester Guardian 8 June 1883 page 7 – opening
Reference    Manchester Guardian 22 February 1884 page 8 - damage