Cumberland and Westmorland Lunatic Asylum (Garlands Hospital)
In answer to the advertisement inviting plans to be sent for an asylum for the two counties, they had the offer of 26 plans from different architects, varying in estimated cost up to £80,000; and of these, after an inspection of the whole number they have selected that sent by Mr. Thos. Worthington, of Manchester. [Carlisle Journal 6 January 1854 page 8]
The asylum about being erected for the joint counties of Cumberland and Westmoreland, on the site known as Garlands, near Carlisle, is on a smaller scale than the chief of the buildings which have been illustrated in our previous volumes. The original design by Mr. Thomas Worthington, of Manchester, of which we give a plan and elevations, was approved of in the early part of 1857, by the Commissioners and the Secretary of State; but the magistrates have thought fit to instruct the county surveyor for Cumberland, Mr. John A. Cory, to procure contracts, and superintend the erection of the building. It will be seen that the plan provides, as amongst its leading features, for the separation of the convalescent or working patients from the others, for the warming by open fireplaces throughout, and for a reduced proportion of single bed-rooms to the whole number of patients; and that an upper story for dormitories is added
The main building, in three stories, has similar arrangement of the ground and first floors; whilst the upperfloor is devoted exclusively to dormitories. Over the dining-hall is the chapel; and over the servants’ hall and stores are the matron’s rooms, and servants’ apartments. The general entrance is on the north side, in the centre of the building, and around it are arranged the offices for the reception of patients, visitors, etc; adjoining to which is the consulting-room, and residence of the medical superintendent. The board-room and offices are on the first floor. On each floor, and to each ward, spacious bath-rooms and lavatories, slop-rooms, and water-closets are provided, with an abundance of light and ventilation; and those to the main wings are detached from the wards. All the rooms and corridors are warmed by the open fire-places, and the ventilation on each floor will be managed by means of a large horizontal trunk leading into the main shaft at each angle of the building. The effective operation of which, will be assisted by placing the boiler and furnace for supplying the hot water in the basement story, the smoke being conveyed by an iron tube through the shaft. The attendants’ rooms arc placed, so as to provide a ready means of inspection to the majority of the patients Detached from the main building on each side, is the residence for the. convalescent or working patients, or for those about to be discharged from the asylum, who will here pass the probationary term before actual dismissal. Each residence will accommodate sixteen patients; there being a large dormitory over the day-room, with all requisite conveniences. The workshops are in two stories, with rooms for carpenter and joiner, tailor, and shoemaker; and a coach-house and stable in addition for the use of the magistrates, visitors, and others. [Builder 1 May 1858 Page 293-5]
Reference Carlisle Journal 6 January 1854 page 8
Reference Builder 1 May 1858 Page 293-5 (extensive note and illustration)