Building Name

Elementary School, Denton Holme, Carlisle

1902 - 1904
Denton Holme, Carlisle
Cumberland, Cumbria, England
Carlisle School Board
New build

The Board approved of plans prepared by Mr Brierley, of York, for a new elementary school for boys and girls in the Denton Holme district. Mr, Brierley has to appoint a local architect to work with him, and to be responsible to and paid by him. [Manchester Guardian 17 February 1902 page 9]

Reference      Manchester Guardian 17 February 1902 page 9

CHECK - Robert Ferguson Secondary School Denton Street, and East Dale Street. Opened 1904 as a Senior Mixed School, closed 1970 and converted to a primary school. The report in the Manchester Guardian is part of a larger entry concerning Carlisle School Board’s difficulties with the Department of Education over the provision of a permanent upper grade school.  Further investigation required