Exhibition House; Manchester Botanical Gardens, Old Trafford
THE PROPOSED EXHIBITION HOUSE IN THE BOTANICAL GARDENS – We understand that the council of the Manchester Botanical and Horticultural Society have resolved that the building for the purposes of the society’s exhibitions in their gardens at Old Trafford shall be erected from a design supplied by Mr Thomas Worthington, architect, King Street. The building will be 150 feet long by 57 feet wide, and will comprise a centre and two side aisles. The centre aisle will be 27 feet wide and 36 feet high, and will have a gravelled promenade, 22 feet wide, with a border of grass on each side 2 feet in width; the side aisles will each be about 15 feet high and 15 feet wide, with a gravelled walk 8 feet 6 inches wide and borders of grass as in the centre aisle. Over these borders it is proposed to place the tables when exhibitions are being held. The sides will be separated from the main aisle by rows of cast iron pillars, 15 feet high, which will support a main beam, 13 inches by 9 inches, from which will rise a clerestory completing a height of 36 feet to the ridge of the roof. The principal parts of the building will be composed of red deal and glass, with iron braces and diagonal ties in the roof of the centre aisle, etc. Externally the building will have a light and pleasing appearance, somewhat after the Swiss style. The woodwork, up to the height of the side aisles, will consist of a series of compartments, formed by lattice frames uprights, supporting projecting eaves, with ornamental carved brackets; there will be eleven such compartments (including an entrance) on each side, and five (also including an entrance) at each end. In the rising part of the centre aisle, over each of the end entrances, there will be a large ornamental circular window, supported by two lattice-work towers, each divided into three courses, and rising somewhat above the ridge of the roof. The roofs of the side aisles will be carried back to the main aisle, somewhat in the form of verandahs. We believe that the style in which the building shall be decorated has not yet been decided: externally it will probably be a light stone-colour; but internally, we understand, it is contemplated, in order to secure a light and pleasing effect, to follow to some extent the polychromatic decoration so successful in the old Crystal Palace, and which it is said Mr Owen Jones has so very much improved upon in the new palace at Sydenham. The contract for the building has not yet been let; but it is hoped that the work will be completed by the end of August. We are sure that the subscribers may well congratulate themselves that the days of their pitched tents are numbered; and that next year at least, they may hope to have a building worthy of the exhibitions, comfortable for promenading, and convenient in case of showers. [Manchester Guardian 3 May 1854 page 7].
Reference Manchester Guardian 3 May 1854 page 7