Factory Commercial Road Sandhills Liverpool
NEW FACTORY AT SANDHILLS, LIVERPOOL - This new building has been erected for Messrs Tillotson (Liverpool) Limited, folding box makers, photo-lithographers, printers, etc and adjoins their present factories at Sandhills, Liverpool. It was considered desirable to introduce colour into a somewhat drab environment and this has been successfully achieved by the use of a bright red Accrington facing brick in conjunction with Portland stone facings for all elevations. The factory provides five floors having a total area of 17,600 square yards. The ground and first floors communicating with the adjoining existing factory by a two storey bridge. It is provided with the latest and most up-to-date methods of air conditioning, ventilation and heating, continuous window lighting, sanitary accommodation, washing and drinking fountains, electric hoists, lifts and all electrical plant.
The construction is fireproof throughout; the floors were designed to carry a load of 3.5 cwt per super foot and have Colemanoid hardened granolithic finish. It was found necessary to take the heavy stanchion loads on continuous grillage foundations down to the rock strata 20 feet below the level of Commercial Road. The factory process demanded a maximum of natural light and this has been provided by the continuous fenestration of the east and west elevations and further assisted by a scheme of decoration comprising ivory-white ceilings and walls in “Wallpurmur” with a painted dado in emerald green and all steelwork, where exposed, painted with marine white.
To avoid the noise of traffic in Commercial-road and from the factory machinery, the offices have been designed as a distinct and separate unit, built upon the flat roof of the factory, and forming an interesting feature of the scheme. They are approached by express lift through a waiting hall entered from the main entrance in Commercial-road and comprise large central general office, lighted by clerestory windows and lay-lighting forming a central feature, giving access to private offices, boardroom, chemical research, filing, etc. These offices have French windows opening out on to the flat roof of the factory which is used for recreational purposes. The private offices have a fine view over the River Mersey. The adjoining site has been acquired for future extension, and this will be done by repetition of the central feature, forming a symmetrical block.
Reference Builder Volume 147 30 November 1934 Page 933 and 940