Building Name

Free Library and Museum, Derby (Architectural Competition)

Derbyshire, England
Architectural competition
Unplaced entry

A design (43), by Messrs. Roper and Bell, Manchester, exhibits a square plan, in which the entrance hall is at the south-east corner, leading into an inner hall or public lobby, with stairs recessed on the east side. The newsroom—51ft. by 20ft.— is placed lengthwise along the front. The lending library—51ft. by 28ft.—forms the central compartment; and the reference library—72ft. by 20ft.—the north side. Open screens between the arcades are adopted in this plan, which in all respects resembles those we have described, except in the different position of the entrance. The museum is transversely placed from front to back; the committee-room is over entrance hall, and the curator's over end of newsroom. The style is French Gothic, and the front is relieved by lofty dormers. The north, east, and west sides are broken by square recesses, corresponding with each other, and giving a cruciform effect to the plan, which otherwise is exactly square. An alternative plan is sent, in which the entrance hall is centrally placed, with a like disposition of the rooms, except that the arrangement is less compact, and not so square. In this plan the reference library is placed with its axis east and west, and the museum is transversely placed over lending library and entrance. Both these arrangements are well studied, though in the last the hall is rather too large. Separate entrances are provided for the three main compartments, and the public lobby, with borrowers’ counter, forms an inner connection between the newsroom and reference library, etc. [Building News 12 May 1876 page 462-463]

Reference           Building News 12 May 1876 page 462-463