Haworth’s Café for Working Girls, Ordsall Lane, Salford
MANCHESTER WORKING GIRLS – The Manchester and Salford Girls’ Institute is doing a great deal to brighten the lives of the working girls of the city. There are branches in Ancoats, Salford, and other parts of industrial Manchester. The most interesting recent development has been the opening of a restaurant for working girls which has been built by Mr George C Howarth near his mills in Salford, and by him handed over to the Institute. This restaurant, which has cost between £4000 and £5000, provides cheap and wholesome meals to girls who sometimes cannot afford to go to the ordinary restaurants. [Manchester Guardian 20 March 1908 page 10]
Reference Manchester Guardian 20 March 1908 page 10
Reference Salford Building Control Archives
Information Beryl Patten and Lesley Hoyes with illustration