Impounding Reservoir, Service Reservoir and Conduit, Wilders Wood, Horwich
BLACKROD LOCAL BOARD WATERWORKS - The above Board are prepared to receive tenders for the construction of an Impounding Reservoir, a covered Service Reservoir and about 1,800 lineal yards of Conduit, at Wilders Wood, in the township of Horwich. Plans and specifications may be seen at the offices of Messrs Cawley, Newton, and Smith, civil engineers Carlton Buildings, Cooper Street, Manchester. Copies of the specifications, with form of tender and bills of quantities, maybe had on payment of five guineas, which will be returned on receipt of bona fide tenders accompanied by the specification. Sealed tenders, addressed to the Chairman of the Board, be sent in later than Wednesday, 2 May 1877. JAMES SAUNDECS, Clerk the Board. Blackrod, April 19, 1877. [Manchester Guardian 27 April 1877 page 1]
Reference Manchester Guardian 27 April 1877 page 1
Note: Cawley died 2 April 1877