Manchester Liners Building: St Ann’s Square/Old Bank Street
We have removed into our new office building in St Ann’s Square. Whilst its completion has been later than anticipated and the finishing touches are now only being applied, this was a delay beyond our control. Notwithstanding that the building faces the Manchester Royal Exchange, and is necessarily of lighter character, I think it can be said that it does not detract from the appearance of that imposing structure, and may be considered a desirable addition to the buildings of the city, and in particular to those of St Ann’s Square. It also reflects great credit on the architect, Mr Harry S Fairhurst. With the exception of the two floors required for the Company’s own purposes, the whole of the building has been let at satisfactory rentals, and should prove a good investment, not the less so as it is money invested outside of our regular business. (24th Annual General Meeting of Manchester Liners Limited. Taken from report by Sir Frederick W Lewis, Chairman)