Building Name

Mayfield Baths New Store Street Ardwick

1856 - 1857
New Store Street
Ardwick, Manchester
GMCA, England
Manchester and Salford Baths and Laundries Company
New Build
Bombed 1941 Demolished

MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BATHS AND LAUNDRIES COMPANY. TO BUILDERS Etc. The Directors hereby give notice that they are prepared to receive tenders for the whole or any part of the several works required to be done in the erection of a block of baths and laundries on a site of land situate at Mayfield Ardwick, adjoining the print works of Messrs Thomas Hoyle and Son. The plans, details and specification may be seen, and forms of tender, with copy of quantities, may be obtained on application at the offices of Mr Worthington, architect to the company, 54 King Street, Manchester, on or after Thursday the 10th inst; and all tenders must be delivered to his offices on or before Thursday 17 April, inst. [Manchester Guardian 4 April 1856 page1]

MANCHESTER AND SALFORD BATHS AND LAUNDRIES COMPANY – MAYFIELD ESTABLISHMENT, ARDWICK (accessible from Boardman Street and Tipping Street) The above establishment is now open to the Public for Bathers, and will be open for Washers on Monday 29 June 1857. … Schedule of Prices and opening hours. {Manchester Guardian 25 June 1857 page 1]

BATHING – The MAYFIELD and GREENGATE ESTABLISHMENTS, each consisting of Fifty-three Private Baths of different classes and Two Large Swimming Baths, first and second class, are now in active operation. The first class swimming bath at Mayfield is now open to the Public. [Manchester Guardian 25 July 1857, page 1]

Reference    Manchester Guardian 4 April 1856 page 1
Reference    Manchester Guardian, 5 April 1856 p7;  7 April, 8 April, 9 April 1856 p1- contracts
Reference    Manchester Guardian 25 June 1857 page 1
Reference    Manchester Guardian, Saturday 27 June 1857, page 1 classified advertisement