New Schools for New Jerusalem Church Kearsley
BOLTON. – New Schools for the New Jerusalem Church at Kearsley - This building, which was opened on the 14th ult., contains on the ground floor a room 78ft. by 45ft. for boys and girls, and another 50ft. by 30ft. for infants. Over the latter is a room of similar size, at present devoted to committees, a library, &c. The large room is divided into six bays, with an open timber roof, and will be used for Sunday services, while the new church is being erected on the site of the present building. All the three rooms are heated on the high-pressure system, by Messrs. Perkins and Son, of London, and besides a porch and lavatory to each department, a teachers' room is provided. The conveniences in the play grounds are fitted with Macfarlane's patent troughs. The walls are of brick, faced with red seconds in principal front, and relieved with blue bricks in bands, &c. The total cost, including heating apparatus, will be about £2,750, and the schools will accommodate 800 children. Mr. Napier is the builder, and the architect for the schools and church are Messrs. A. H. Davies-Colley and J. W. Beaumont, of Manchester. [British Architect 12 February 1875 Page 93]
Reference British Architect 12 February 1875 Page 93