Nicholls Hospital Hyde Road Ardwick
MANCHESTER.- The work in connection with the building of the Nicholls Hospital was commenced last week. It is about 13 years since rough sketches for the institution were prepared for Mr. Nicholls by Mr. T. Worthington, architect, of this city, and that gentleman has now drawn the plans. The building will be Gothic in style, with transoms and handsome stone dormers on the top story. The material will be brick, with cavity walls faced with best stocks, and stone dressings and finishings from the Moor End quarries at Halifax. Over the height of 130 feet, with overhanging parapet and angle turrets, and stone dormers. It is expected that the foundations will be put in during the present autumn, and that the contractor (Mr. W. Southern, of Salford) will have the building completed by the end of next year.
MANCHESTER. - The new building for the Nichol's Hospital, Manchester, is nearly completed. It has been erected from plans prepared by Mr T. Worthington, architect, of Manchester, and, exclusive of furniture, cost upwards of £20,000. The hospital is built principally of brick, with stone dressings and finishings. The style is Gothic, with square‑headed windows, having stone mullions and transoms; there are also stone dormers on the top story, with gabled roofs at each end, and angle turrets. Over the entrance is corbelled out a bold oriel window, two stories in height, terminating at the top in a niche, and on each side of the principal entrance are other niches, in which it is proposed to place statues of the founder and two other members of his family. In the centre of the facade, and above the oriel window, a tower is placed, the summit of which is 130ft. high. The whole of the ground‑floor is constructed on Dennett and Co.'s patent arching, and is fireproof. [Building News 24 December 1880 p778]
Reference Manchester Guardian Tuesday 5 November 1878 Page 5
Reference Building News 15 November 1878 page 516
Reference Building News 24 December 1880 p778
Reference British Architect 13 April 1883 (illustration)