Old Bank Building Corporation Street Manchester
NEW CWS BUILDING PLANS APPROVED – Plans for the erection by the Co-operative Wholesale Society of new bank premises in Corporation Street on the site of the present publicity department of the Society were yesterday approved by the Improvements and Building Committee of the Manchester City Council. The proposed structure, it is understood, will contain six storeys, and building operations will be begun early in the New Year. The basement and ground floor only will be occupied by the bank, the remainder of the offices being reserved for other departments. The building, which will extend from Hanover Street to Mayes Street with a frontage of 168 feet, 90 feet deep and 90 feet high, will form a continuous frontage to the existing CWS buildings in Corporation Street (popularly known as the Balloon Street premises). Besides a basement there will be six storeys, and it will be one of the largest buildings in Manchester. The design submitted is that of the Society’s own architects’ department. [Manchester Guardian 15 December 1927 page 21]
A NEW MANCHESTER BUILDING - This photograph illustrates the new bank and administrative offices of the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Limited, now in course of erection in Corporation Street, Manchester. This building will be seven storeys high, rising 90 feet from the pavement level to the top of the parapet. above which is a storey arranged on the Mansard roof principle. The basement provides accommodation for strong rooms and muniment rooms. The ground floor is occupied by the main entrance hall, the public banking hall, and various offices for the bank department. The floors above are for the use of solicitor's department, accountants, auditors, publicity and advertising, engineers, architects, and other administrative departments. With the erection of this new building there will be added a third to the two blocks already built by the C.W.S. in Corporation Street in twenty-five years. The frontage, overlooking the main entrance to Victoria Station, extends from Mark Lane to Mayes Street, and includes Balloon Street and Hanover Street. The new building will be 170 feet long, making a total frontage of the C.W.S. premises in Corporation Street of 586 feet. The architect is Mr W. A. Johnson, chief architect to the C.W.S. in the Manchester area— The perspective is by Mr Cyril Farey. [Manchester Guardian 5 October 1928 page 5]
Reference Manchester Guardian 15 December 1927 page 21
Reference Manchester Guardian 5 October 1928 page 5 with illustration