Peers Memorial Clock Tower, St Peter’s Square, Ruthin
RUTHIN, MEMORIAL CLOCK TOWER - In commemoration of the fiftieth year of Mr. Peer's fulfilling the office of Clerk to the Peace for the County of Denbigh, an ornamental clock tower is to be erected in the Square at Ruthin, at a cost of £ 400, voluntarily subscribed. Mr. Douglas, of Chester, is the architect, and the contract has been taken by Mr. Joseph Williams, of Rhyl. The freestone work will be executed by Mr. Charles Thomas, of Llys Cadw Quarry, Gwespyr, Llanasa. [Denbighshire Free Press 15 February 1883 page 4 and 17 February 1883 page 6]
RUTHIN - Peers memorial clock-tower is about to be built in this town. It rises from a circular base 11 feet 6 inches in diameter and is square in form; the lower part will contain a drinking- fountain, with cattle and dog-troughs adjoining, and in the gables will be two dial faces to a public clock, reached by a staircase within the tower, the other two sides containing a bas-relief of Mr. Peers, and coats of arms. The materials are limestone for the base, Gwespyr stone for the upper portion, and dressings and bands of Runcorn stone. The total height will be 34 feet. Mr. Douglas, of Chester, is the architect, and Mr. Joseph Williams, of Rhyl, has taken the contract at £400. [Building News 2 March 1883 page 267]
PEERS TESTIMONIAL, RUTHIN (NORTH WALES). THE above, which has been erected in the centre of the market square, in recognition of the long and valuable services of Mr. Peers, the clerk of the peace for the county of Denbigh, takes the form of a drinking fountain and clock tower. The lower portion, including the cattle and dog trough and drinking basin, has been executed in local limestone, and the upper part in Gwespyr stone, banded with Runcorn red stone. We may remark, however, that a slight modification of the lower part as now illustrated has been made in carrying out the work, seats having been placed on two sides, instead of the one large circular basin shown in the drawing. In the main front a medallion portrait of Mr. Peers has been inserted, and in the corresponding face an inscription panel setting forth " the public and private worth " of this gentleman. Above these are the dials of the clock, manufactured by Messrs. Joyce, of Whitchurch. On either side of the structure, surmounting a pilaster, is a wrought iron standard lamp for gas. The work has been executed by Mr. Joseph Williams, builder, of Rhyl, Mr. Douglas being the architect. [British Architect vol 20 23 November 1883 page 242]
THE MEMORIAL TO THE CLERK OF THE PEACE. The beautiful memorial to Mr. Joseph Peers, the able and much beloved Clerk of the Peace, is now finished, and only needs formally handing over to the borough. Placed in the most prominent part of St. Peter's-square, it forms a conspicuous ornament, and one of which the inhabitants and subscribers may feel proud. It is in the form of a tower, with appropriate space for a public clock, lamps, a representation of the patron saint of Wales, and having attached a drinking fountain and trough for animals, and an ordinary drinking fountain. In addition thereto, are suitable stone seats for the use of the public, whilst access to the clock, the gas, and water apparatus, are obtained by a door, over which are the borough arms, the letter P," and the inscription Erected A.D., 1833, by his many friends, to commemorate the private worth and public services of Joseph Peers, an honoured inhabitant of this town, who has for the last 50 years filled the office of Clerk of the Peace, for the county of Denbigh," The various parts are nicely ornamented, and the tower is completed with a plain dome. Over the cattle trough is a dolphin, from which the water flows. Above this appear the county arms and the letter R." Below the clock face is the motto Ex Hoe Memento, Pendat AE termitas." Mr. R. G. Joyce has received the order for the supply of the clock, which we understand is being prepared at the well- known establishment of “Joyces of Whitchurch," relatives of the contractor. When completed, it will be one of the most pleasing, useful, and interesting memorials in North Wales. [Denbighshire Free Press 15 September 1883 page 8]
RUTHLN. THE NEW CLOCK - The new clock that is on the Peers Memorial was set going the other day by the Mayor, ex-Mayor Mr Charles Jones, the Town Clerk, and others. The clock is a highly ingenious one, having a machinery inside by which it lights itself at dark and extinguishes itself when set to. This is effected by means of gas, which during the day is turned down to the merest spark, and at the proper time the machinery of the clock turns it full and the clock is properly lighted up, thus saving to the town the expense of a man to light it. [North Wales Chronicle 24 November 1883 page 6]
THE PEERS MEMORIAL - The representation of Mr. Joseph Peers, the much-respected Clerk of the Peace, has been placed in the space left for it in the monument. It has been sculptured in stone, and is the work of Mr. Griffiths, of Chester. It is a very excellent likeness. [Denbighshire Free Press 20 October 1883 page 6]