Building Name

Police Station Newton Heath

Newton Heath, Manchester
GMCA, England
Her Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for the division of Manchester
New build

NEW POLICE STATION, Newton Heath - Her Majesty's Justices of the Peace for the Division of Manchester invite TENDERS for the ERECTION of the above STATION. Plans can be seen and a copy of the quantities obtained on payment of two guineas, which will be returned on the receipt a bona tender, on application to W. Telford Gunson, C.E., architect and valuer to the justices, 10, Marsden Street Manchester. Tenders are to be sent in not later than Monday, September 12th, 1887, sealed and endorsed " Tender for Police Station, Newton Heath," Messrs. Walker and Rutter, clerks the justices. County Police Courts, Strangeways, Manchester. The justices do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. 31 Augnst, 1887. [Manchester Courier 3 September 1887 page 8].

Reference    Manchester Guardian 12 June 1886 Page 4 - contracts
Reference    Manchester Courier 3 September 1887 page 8 - contracts