Proposed “Regal Cinema” St Petersgate Stockport
J H Stansfield, 1 Lord Street, Stockport, is to erect a large house on a site opposite the proposed gas showrooms in St Petersgate, Stockport. The new building will be known as the Regal and will be built to accommodate 1,700 persons. The estimated cost is £27,000. Plans are being prepared by John Knight FRIBA, architect, 5, Cross Street Manchester. [Ideal Kinema (Supplement to Kinematograph Weekly) Page 39. 13 November 1930].
STOCKPORT - A new cinema, The “Regal” is to be erected on a site opposite the proposed gas showrooms in St Petersgate. The estimated cost is £50,000 and the building, which is designed to hold 1,800, is for Mr J H Stansfield. The architect is Mr John Knight FRIBA,, 5, Cross Street Manchester. [Builder 14 November 1930 Page 847]
Reference Ideal Kinema (Supplement to Kinematograph Weekly) Page 39. 13 November 1930
Reference Builder 14 November 1930 Page 847
Reference Builder 16 January 1931 Page 165 - plans passed