Building Name

Proposed Waterloo Square, Manchester

Quay Street
GMCA, England
Proposed design
not progressed

WATERLOO SQUARE - PROSPECTUS OF A PLAN for the erecting of a new square in MANCHESTER, to be called Waterloo Square.

It is in contemplation to BUILD A NEW SQUARE, on the north side of Quay Street 79 yards in length, from north south, including the width of Quay-street, and 69yards in width,  from east west. The Houses are proposed to be 7 yards in front, and the depth of the plots on the east side, will be 30 yards, the west side, 31 yards, and on the north side, 23 yards, and to the rear of the Plots, on the northerly and easterly sides, is a back street to communicate with the Stables offices, etc. The Elevations, for this Square are upon an uniform and elegant design, having Stucco Fronts, Balconies, Palisades, etc. and the various plans are intended to unite Convenience with Economy.The Area within the Square is proposed to be surrounded with an Iron Palisade, with gates into it, which is intended to be laid out as an Ornamental Plantation. The Design for the Square may be seen the Exchange Room, and Gentlemen desirous becoming Proprietors, may obtain further information, by applying to Mr. William Atkinson, Architect, 38, Piccadilly, the Office of Mr. Beatson, Surveyor, 23, Charlotte- street, or Mr. John Clegg, Charles-street. [Manchester Mercury 17 December 1816 page 4]

Reference           Manchester Mercury 17 December 1816 page 4