Building Name

Public Housing, Newton Lane and West Auckland Road, Cockerton, Darlington

1919 - 1921
Cockerton, Darlington
Co Durham, England
Darlington Borough Council
New Build

By 1919 there was a shortfall of 4,000 homes in Darlington, largely due to a large influx of railway workers. The acute housing shortage led to four sites being approved for public housing. By far the largest of these was at Cockerton; a site of 82 acres, with frontages on Newton Lane and West Auckland Road. Percy S. Worthington was appointed as architect and the first tenants selected in 1921 to move into 200 new properties. The estate was further expanded from 1928 by local building contractor Bussey and Armstrong.

Reference           Darlington Borough Council, Cockerton Conservation Area Appraisal, Nov 2006