Registered Design for Four Maisonettes
MODEL MAISONETTES - The model of maisonettes exhibited at the Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, embraced four dwellings, each suited to the needs of a working class family, two of the dwellings being on the ground floor and two on the first floor. A maximum of light and air space forms a feature of these dwellings which were also provided with gardens large enough to provide vegetables for the tenants. Many ingenious arrangements for health, comfort and labour saving were embodied. “Back premises” had no existence, the block having four frontages. At the same time a large degree of privacy was secured. The intention is to erect blocks of 200, with variations in design. At pre-war cost, the inclusive rents of maisonette and garden, with membership of a laundry club, would be 8s 6d weekly. Various extensions of the model plan are contemplated, and these may include attic bedrooms and rainwater cisterns. [Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury 1 December 1917 page 3]
Reference Liverpool Daily Post and Mercury 1 December 1917 page 3 - National Housing and Town Planning Conference, St George’s Hall Liverpool