Reiss Shipping Warehouse, Quay Street, Manchester
Mr Worthington, who is by the way, about to erect a large Infirmary near Manchester, has just commenced the ashlar facings of a very large warehouse in Quay-street, Deansgate. The style will be Pointed, and the details somewhat massive. [Building News 29 July 1870 Page 77]
NEW WAREHOUSE, MANCHESTER. - A new shipping warehouse, covering about 1,000 superficial yards of land, has been recently erected for Messrs. Reiss Brothers, in Quay Street, Deansgate, a district in which other warehouses will be erected within a few years, as the city is rapidly extending in that direction; and it is intended to open out a new street into Salford by a bridge over the river Irwell and to widen Deansgate, which is one of the main thoroughfares. The building consists of eight floors, the two lowest of which are beneath the street level, the sub-basement being devoted to the machinery, viz., boilers, engines, pumps, etc.; and the basement storey to the packing-room with hydraulic presses, which have been executed by Messrs Norbury and Shaw, engineers, Salford. The ground floor is used as a twist-room, and the offices are placed on the first-floor. These are handsomely fitted up with desks, counters, etc., in choice wainscot oak. The remaining four floors are appropriated to the grey-room the print-room, the making-up room, and to stores respectively. The principal staircase is in Quay Street, with a porch projecting over a sunk area, which affords an unusually good opportunity of lighting the sub-basement storey, the area being 6 feet wide, and lined with white glazed bricks. The floors are connected, in addition to the principal staircase leading to the offices, by a separate stone stair for the workmen, as well as by three hoists from bottom to top of building and from the first floor upwards by a circular wooden staircase. The exterior is mainly of red brick, with stone dressings, and the angle at the junction of Quay and Longworth Streets is filled with an oriel window of stone two storeys in height, with projecting base on ground-floor. The building is surrounded on three sides by streets, and there is a loading-place, or hovel, extending the whole depth from Quay Street to the back, with cart-way through, and loading-stage in direct communication with the two steam-power hoists. The architect is Mr. Thomas Worthington; and Messrs. R. Neill & Sons have carried out the building under his superintendence. [The Architect 13 April, 1872. Page 186]
Reference Building News, 29 July 1870 Page 77 - Notes from Manchester
Reference The Architect 13 April, 1872. Page 186