Building Name

Restoration of St Paul’s Church Bury

GMCA, England

A gas explosion in January 1882 did considerable damage to the interior of the church. Some windows were totally destroyed while not one of the remainder escaped damage. Restoration works were placed in the hands of Lawrence Booth and the church was scheduled to re-open the following Sunday. R B Edmundson and Son of Manchester were responsible for the restoration of the windows. A total of 52 windows were completely destroyed and were replaced with new glass of an ornate design. The whole series of 18 memorial stained Grisaille medallion windows in the aisles were so severely shattered that it was found necessary to take them out and re-leaded, replacing portions that were missing or destroyed. Three new windows were provided in the chancel illustrating the “Ascension” in the centre with the “Adoration of the Magi” and the “Three Holy Women at the Tomb of Our Risen Lord” on either side. A reredos 18 feet long and 13 feet 6 inches high was executed by Messrs Bonehill and Company of Manchester to the design of the architect. It had four canopied niches in which statuettes of the Evangelists are placed between which there was a perforated arcade, through which the rich colouring of the chancel windows could be seen.

Reference           Manchester Guardian 24 August 1882 page 6