Building Name

St John's Church, Waterloo Road, Cheetham

1869 - 1871
Waterloo Road
Cheetham, Manchester
GMCA, England
New build
Grade II*
Joseph Robinson junior, of Hyde.

Built at the expense of Lewis Loyd. Massive SW tower with pyramid roof and pinnacles also with pyramid roofs. The windows are mainly lancets, which leaves much sheer wall. Three bay nave, two bay chancel chapels. Round apse with two tiers of blank arcading. The west windows are placed unusually high up. Pevsner did not consider this to be one of Paley & Austin's best, but, as theirs nearly always were, a serious, thoughtful design.

ST JOHN’S CHEETHAM - On Saturday afternoon Mr Edward Loyd laid the corner stone of the chancel of the new church of St John the Evangelist, Cheetham, which is being built and is to be endowed, at the sole cost of his brother, Mr Lewis Loyd of Monks Orchard, Surrey. ..... The new church is situated in Waterloo Road, Hightown. The cost of the site and the structure is estimated at £10,000. The architects are Messrs Paley and Austin of Lancaster, who have endeavoured to provide a massive building in the style of 13th century Gothic. The internal dimensions are 111 feet by 57 feet, and the church will accommodate about 600 persons. The nave will be divided from the aisles by rows of four piers and arches. The chancel, which has an apsidal termination, is divided by two arches, the vestry and organ chamber being on either side. The principal entrance will be through a porch at the western end. Another doorway is provided in the tower, which rises from the western end of the south aisle. This tower will be 24 feet square and 130 feet high and is covered with a pyramidal roof. Externally the church will be built of stone; the interior will be lined with small coloured bricks; and the roof will be covered with Staffordshire tiles. The contractor for the building is Mr Joseph Robinson junior of Hyde. [Manchester Guardian 22 March 1869 Page 3]

CHURCH OF ST. JOHN THE EVANGELIST, CHEETHAM HILL. - On Saturday afternoon the foundation stone of this new church was laid by Lieut‑Colonel Edward Loyd, of Lillesden, Hawkhurst, Kent. The building and site, it is estimated, will cost £10,000. The church will be built and endowed by Mr Lewis Loyd, Monks Orchard, Surrey, the architects being Messrs Paley and Austin, Lancaster. [Building News 26 March 1869 page 282]

MANCHESTER - The foundation-stone has been laid of a church in the Waterloo Road, Cheetham, dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. The church, the site and structure of which are to cost £10,000, is to be built and endowed at the cost of Mr. Lewis Loyd, of Monk's Orchard, Surrey. The style will be Early Gothic of the thirteenth century. The tower will rise to a height of 130 feet. [The Architect 24 April 1869 page 225]

MANCHESTER - The foundation-stone has been laid of a church to be erected in Waterloo-road, Cheetham, to be dedicated to St. John the Evangelist. The church, the site and the structure of which are to cost £10,000, is to be built and endowed at the cost of Mr. Lewis Loyd, of Monk’s Orchard, Surrey. It will be constructed on designs prepared by Messrs. Paley & Austin, of Lancaster, architects. The style will be Early Gothic of the thirteenth century, and the edifice wilt be calculated to seat 600 persons. The total interior length will be 111 feet from east to west, and the width 57 feet; it will have the usual arrangements as to nave and side aisles, the nave being divided from the aisles by four pillars and arches. The tower at the west end of the side aisle will have a large porch or narthex. The chancel will have an apsidal termination, doubled by arches, the vestry on one side and the organ-chamber on the other. The church generally will be of simple construction, durability and permanence being aimed at rather than ornamentation. The exterior will be built of stone, and the interior, instead of with the ordinary plaster, will be lined with coloured bricks made specially. The roof will be covered with Staffordshire tiles. The tower will be 24 feet square, and rise to a height of 130 feet. It will be covered with a lofty pyramidal roof, ornamented with tiles. The contractor for the building is Mr. J. Robinson, of Hyde. [Builder 10 April 1869 page 292]

MANCHESTER ‑The new church of S. John the Evangelist, Hightown, Cheetham, was consecrated on Thursday week by the Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Manchester. This church and its adjuncts, the entire cost of which is stated to be £20,000, is the munificent gift of Lewis Loyd, Esq. of Monk's Orchard, in the county of Kent. The church, which stands in a commanding position, is built of stone lined with brick, and in the Early English style. It consists of a nave, north and south aisles, chancel, and semi‑circular apse, with a tower at the south‑ east side of considerable altitude, having a low spire, with pinnacles at the angles, which, together with the main roof, are covered with tiles. The aisles are lighted with small lancet windows. There is an arcade round the chancel, and above that a series of lancet windows. The pulpit is octagonal, perforated with Gothic tracery. Accommodation is provided for 540 worshippers, 170 sittings being free. A parsonage‑house has been erected upon the site. Architects, Messrs. Paley & Austin of Lancaster. Contractors, Messrs. Robinson, of Hyde. [Building News 18 August 1871 Page 127]

MANCHESTER - Messrs Paley & Austin, of Lancaster, are building a church in the Waterloo-road. It is in a good and Early Pointed style—fairly carried out, with well-studied mouldings and but little carving. The tower would be much improved by some additional height: its principal story does not rise as far above the nave roof as would be wished. On the whole, however, the design is a creditable one — assuming, what is, of course, taken for granted in the bulk of modern churches, that we must adopt an inconvenient form of plan, because that form happened to suit the purposes of our ancestors a few hundred years ago [Building News 9 June 1871 page 444]

CONSECRATION OF ST. JOHN'S CHURCH, CHEETHAM HILL - Yesterday, the Bishop of Manchester consecrated a new church which has been built near Cheetham Hill, in connection with St. Luke's parish. A movement set on foot some years ago. through the instrumentality of the Rector of St Luke's (the Rev. J Chippindall), to raise funds for the building of a second church in the district. The site was given by Mr. Lewis Loyd, of Kent, son of the late Mr E Loyd of Cheetham Hill. Donations towards the building fund were promised by the Earl of Derby, and several gentlemen resident and interested in the district, but they were not required, Mr. Loyd having subsequently determined upon paying the entire cost of erecting the edifice, besides building a rectory. and setting apart a sum of money for the endowment of the church. The Rev. T. W. M. Lund, late curate at St. Luke's has been appointed by Mr. Loyd to the rectorship of the new church. The patronage will afterwards be vested in the Bishop of the diocese. The church, of which Messrs Paley and Austin are the architects, has been erected in the early English style, and seats have been provided for 545 worshippers. There are nearly 200 free seats intended for the use of the poor. ….  An offertory was made at the close of the of the service amounting to £130. A luncheon was afterwards held in St. Luke's school-room under the presidency of the Rev. Chippindall. The Bishop responded to the toast of the clergy, proposed by Mr. Croston; and the health of Mr. Loyd, the donor the church, was proposed by the Chairman. — Mr Loyd, in responding, said that he determined from two motives that the church should be built - one being that be desired to extend religious worship in the district, and the other to erect a fitting memorial to his father and mother, who lived so many years amongst them.[Manchester Guardian 11 August 1871 page 3]

Reference    Manchester Guardian Saturday 9 May 1868 Page 2 - contracts
Reference    Manchester Guardian 22 March 1869 Page 3- foundation stone
Reference    Building News 26 March 1869 page 282
Reference    Builder 10 April 1869 page 292
Reference    The Architect 24 April 1869 page 225
Reference    Building News 9 June 1871 page 444
Reference    Manchester Guardian 11 August 1871 page 3 - consecration
Reference    Building News 18 August 1871 Page 127 consecration