Building Name

St Paul’s Church Stuart Street Bradford Manchester

1907 - 1908
Stuart Street
Bradford, Manchester
GMCA, England
New build
Demolished 1970

The laying of the memorial stones of St Paul's Church, Philips Park, of which Mr E H Lingden Barker is the architect, took place on Saturday afternoon. ….. Canon Cronshaw pointed out that in December 1905, the parish had no building of any kind for religious worship. ln January, 1906 a five-roomed cottage was taken and used as a Sunday school. During 1906 the erection of a very adaptable school-church was proceeded with and opened on Christmas Day 1906. The work of the parish had developed so rapidly that they had now a Sunday school with more than 400 scholars, besides other classes and clubs. Afterwards memorial stones were laid by Mr R Le Neve Foster and Mr Ernest Johnson. The church, which when erected will seat 500 people, will be free from debt, £2,000 having been given by the Bishop's Commission and £2000 by Sir William Houldsworth. [Manchester Guardian 28 January 1908 page 9]

A new church, dedicated to St. Paul, at Bradford, Manchester, will be consecrated to-day by the Bishop of Burnley (Dr. Pearson). It is the first of series that are to be built in Manchester, each to hold 500 people, at a cost not exceeding £8 per sitting. One half of the money will be provided by tale Bishop's Church Extension Commission, which was appointed in 1905, to inquire into the condition of the Church in the ancient parish of Manchester, and to report on any excess of spiritual provision in any parts of the city, and any defects in that provision and to suggest steps to be taken for readjustment or new provision where necessary. The Commission in due time reported that church accommodation and the provision of the clergy were excessive in some parts of the city. An Act of Parliament was accordingly promoted and passed in 1903 by which three churches were closed. Then came an appeal for funds, and the late Earl of Derby, Earl Egerton of Tatton, and Sir W. H. Houldsworth set a noble example to their fellow Churchmen by giving £5,00 each. To Sir William Houldsworth the credit is given for the economy manifested in this church building scheme. He told a meeting of Churchmen on February 7, last year, that he had evidence that churches could be built that would last and not be jerry-built for £8 a sitting. This has now been done. The church to be opened to-day is therefore looked upon a sample church so far as Manchester is concerned. The architect is Mr. E. H. Lingen Barker, of Manchester. Mr. Barker has also succeeded in building a church at Rochdale at the same rate of cost. The new church is situated at the end of Stuart Street, Bradford, not far from the chief station of the Electricity Department of the Manchester Corporation. [Manchester Guardian 11 August 1908 page 12]

A new church dedicated to St Paul in Stuart Street, Bradford, Manchester was consecrated on Tuesday by the Bishop of Burnley. It is the first in a series that is to be built in Manchester, each to hold 500 people at a cost not exceeding £8 per sitting. The architect is Mr E H Lingen Barker of Manchester. Seven building firms of repute tendered to carry out the work. The cost has been £4000. The church was the result of a scheme to produce low-cost church buildings in the most densely populated industrial areas of the country. In 1907 plans were drawn up, based on an inexpensive church in Kent costing £9 per sitting. Sir H W Houdsworth promised to match the grant of £2000 offered by the sponsors, and therefore allow the church to be opened free from debt, if the church could be built in accordance with the requirements of the Incorporated Church Building Society at £8 per sitting. [Building News 14 August 1908 Page 241]

ECONOMICAL CHURCH BUILDNG. - To the Editor of the Manchester Guardian. Sir, In reply to " An Enquirer," I am desired by Sir W. H. Houldsworth to say that in the case of St Paul's Church, Bradford, Manchester, the Incorporated Church Building Society's rule of 20 inch length of seat board per person was strictly followed, the same being required by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners, and consequently the church accommodates the number required in his statement of £6 19s 3d. per sitting. The contractor's estimate for pitch-pine seats in the body of the church beyond-the cost of the chairs was £130; Consequently, when they are substituted (if ever) the cost per sitting will be increased to £7 4s. The money, however, was laid-out in the fencing of the site, which was considered more pressing. Sir W. H. Houldsworth asks me to forward a statement of the principal materials used in the construction of the church. so that those who are interested in his letter which appeared in your correspondence column of Monday, and are unable to pay a visit to the church may know what these are. They are as follows: - Bricks outside, local in varied tints, and red plastic Accrington ones  inside; arcade pillars, red Rainhill stone; internal arches and dressings, grey Cefn stone; external dressings and window tracery, grey terra-cotta; pillar shafts, Devon marble; roofs, pitch-pine and red Baltic deal, covered, with boards, felt, and Broseley tiles; floors, wood blocks, granolithic and marble Terrazzo mosaic; glazing, mixed cathedral tints in leaded panels. There is a considerable amount of natural foliage" stone carving„ and this, together with the polished marble shafting, is an addition to the appearance. — Yours etc, E. H. LINGEN BARKER. 101, Leadenhall Street. London, E.C., 22 June 1909 [Manchester Guardian 23 June 1909 page 5 - correspondence]

Consecrated 11 August 1908. Demolished 1970

Reference    Building News 14 August 1908 Page 241
Reference    Arthur j Dobbs. Like a Mighty Tortoise Page 249 with illustration
Reference    Pevsner: South Lancashire 1969 Page
Reference    Manchester Guardian 28 January 1908 page 9 - foundation
Reference    Manchester Guardian 11 August 1908 page 12 - opening
Reference    Manchester Guardian 21 June 1909 page 5 – illustrations
Reference    Manchester Guardian 21 June 1909 page 10 – correspondence, W H Houldsworth
Reference    Manchester Guardian 23 June 1909 page 5 – correspondence, Lingen Barker