Store Reservoir Nayden Stream
HEYWOOD - For the formation of an additional store reservoir on the Nayden stream, Heywood, between the two existing reservoirs of the Heywood Waterworks Company, with all the necessary embankments, weirs, and other works connected therewith. The embankment will contain about 80,000 cubic yards. The works are situated near Blackpits, about three miles from Rochdale. Plans and specifications may be seen, and further information obtained, at the office of Mr Cawley, civil engineer, 5, Parliament-street, London, or 41, John Dalton-street, Manchester, on and after Wednesday, the 19th August; and tenders must be delivered at the company's office, Heywood, on or before Monday, the 31st August.
Reference Manchester Guardian Saturday 8 August 1863 Page 2 (Contracts)
Reference Building News 28 August 1863 page 676