Sunday School: Victoria Wesleyan Chapel Queens Road Cheetham
The foundation stones of a new Sunday School in connection with the Victoria Wesleyan Chapel, Cheetham Hill Road were laid on Saturday afternoon. The outlay is estimated at £3,100. The building will consist of a basement and two storeys above. The basement will contain a commodious kitchen and scullery, and two other large rooms for storage of seats and other purposes. The ground floor will be appropriated to the minister's vestry and four classrooms, varying in size from 15 feet by 12 feet to 30 feet by 18 feet, and over the whole, on the first floor, a large room will be provided, 53 feet by 36 feet 9 inches and 21 feet 6 inches. high, well lighted on three sides, and approached either from the present staircase to the chapel organ gallery, or by a temporary stair within one of the classrooms, as may eventually be decided. The committee, however, hope before long to be a position to carry out the remainder oi their building scheme, which embraces a new staircase, a library, and another classroom above it, also a cottage for the chapel-keeper. The new structure will be faced with stone on all sides, and finished to harmonise suitably with the chapel. The rooms which do not have open fireplaces will be heated with hot air. The kitchen will communicate with upper room by a hoist. Joseph Davison, builder of Red Bank, has undertaken the contract for the erection of the building under the direction of Messrs Clegg and Knowles, architects, Cross Street, Manchester. [Manchester Courier Monday 11 June 1877 page 6]
Reference Manchester Courier Monday 11 June 1877 page 6 - foundation
Reference British Architect 15 June 1877 Page 374