Building Name

Synagogue Liverpool (Select Architectural Competition)

Merseyside, England
Old Hebrew Congregation
Competition entry
Unplaced design

New SYNAGOGUE FOR LIVERPOOL - Some time ago the Old Hebrew congregation, whose synagogue is at present in Seel‑street, determined to erect a new building which should more fully meet its increasing requirements. A select competition was decided upon and six architects were requested to furnish designs. Two of the invited architects declined to compete, and the remaining four accepted the invitation, viz., Messrs W. & G. Audsley, of Liverpool, Mr Collins, of London, Mr Grayson, of Liverpool, and Mr Salomons, of Manchester. On Sunday, the 10th ult, by the votes of the free members of the congregation, the designs were reduced to two for further consideration; and at the meeting held on Sunday, the 24th ult., Messrs Audsley's design was selected by a large majority to be carried out, and to Mr Collins was awarded the second premium. [Building News 5 January 1872 page 20-21]

Reference           Building News 5 January 1872 page 20-21