Building Name

The Catholic Apostolic Church, Gwyn Street, Bedford.

Gwyn Street
Bedfordshire, England
New Build

THE CATHOLIC APOSTOLIC CHURCH, BEDFORD. - The accompanying engraving shows a view of the interior of the Catholic Apostolic Church at Bedford, just completed. The dimensions internally are 66 feet by 28 feet; internal height to top of plate, 12 ft. 6 in., and 39 feet to ridge. The walls are of brick, unplastered; the roof is rough from the saw; the glass, Hartley’s rough, glazed to grooves in the brickwork. The vestries are deal screens varnished, and the altar of local stone. Felt is laid on the boarding of roof, then battens and slates—the latter overhanging the brick gables. There are louvres to each gable, which open and shut for ventilation. The contract for the building was £424, to which an addition has been made for some seating, the altar, a well and pump, some paths and paving outside, gas fittings &c., making a total of about £525; a sum, we believe, much smaller than would have been required for a church of the same size if erected in the usual miserable way, in iron, for a temporary purpose only. We are told that the effect of the unstained, unvarnished, and unwrought roof is remarkably good. It is rarely that such a structure is built so effectively and cheaply. The whole is from the designs of Mr. George Truefitt, architect, of London: Mr. Maxey, of Bedford, was the builder. [Civil Engineer and Architects Journal 1 February 1863 page 40]

Reference           Civil Engineer and Architects Journal 1 February 1863 page 40 (with an Engraving.)