The Liverpool Convalescent Institution, Woolton, near Liverpool
THE LIVERPOOL CONVALESCENT INSTITUTION AT WOOLTON - It is a lofty and capacious structure, connected by corridors with wings extending down the slope of the land to the S.S.W. On the ground floor is the dining-hall, 50 feet by 30 feet, in connection with' the kitchen, immediately behind it. At each side of these apartments wide staircases give access to the "Gladstone Hall," which is of the same area as the dining-hall below, but considerably more lofty. The "Gladstone Hall" has been built with funds raised in Liverpool as a memorial to the ex- Premier. To the right and left, upon the ground floor, and opening upon the terrace, are two nurses' rooms and eight one-storeyed wards for three beds each, divided equally between male and female patients, and connected at the back by a corridor 10 feet wide. At each end of this, in separate buildings, are baths, lavatories, &c, fitted up with hot and cold water apparatus, shower-baths and a douche, as well as a separate supply of cold water for drinking. At right angles with this central group, which is about 200 feet in length, extend corridors six feet wide, with temporary entrances, connecting it with the large wings at each side. The sides of the corridors are formed with glazed sliding doors, giving the option of a closed or open passage of communication. At the end of each corridor is a hydrant with hose. &c, for use in case of fire, and outside the building are nine hydrants for the same purpose. On the ground floor of each wing is a dayroom 38 feet by 24 feet, with large outside balcony (where the inmates may sit or lounge, and enjoy the air), two dormitories with six beds each, with lavatory, bath, water-closet, and attendant's room ; and on the first floor a similar dayroom, and large ward for sixteen beds. Some of the dormitories have the walls coated with Keene's cement, thus ensuring safety from infection; and all the rooms are effectually ventilated by means of opening windows, having pivoted sheets in the upper part, and large glazed louvres over the doors, the mechanical arrangements tor opening and closing being simple and effective. The hospital will provide for about 100 inmates, allowing to each 1,000 cubic feet of air ; while the kitchen, recreation-hall, and dining-hall would be able to provide for 200 or 300, if at any time hereafter the building should be enlarged by the erection of the cottage hospitals, which, in the first plan of the Architect, it was proposed should be scattered about in the grounds, and connected by corridors with the main buildings. The rapid slope in the part of the -site on which it was decided to erect the building (the fall was nearly 19 feet), appeared in the first place to present a difficulty; but the Architect suggested to the committee that that which at first appeared a drawback might be turned into an advantage by forming large and lofty workrooms, where would otherwise be basement stores, and filling up the irregularities of the ground with that alternation of terraced garden and slope, which add so much to the architectural effect of the group of buildings. Although the building was erected with a view to the fulfilment of sanitary rather than of aesthetic requirements, it is not devoid of beauty, and will be a prominent object in the neighbourhood. It is faced with grey-brick, with Woolton red sandstone bands and dressings; but depends for its effect rather upon picturesqueness of form than richness of material. The style is Gothic, very freely treated. The general contractors for the building were Messrs Haigh and Co., of Fraser-street. Mr John Griffiths was clerk of the works. All the rooms and corridors are lighted with gas, supplied and fitted up by the Liverpool Gas Company, and the cooking apparatus was furnished by Mr W. Bennett. The whole of the works were carried out in accordance with the plans and under the direction of Mr Thomas Worthington, FRIBA, architect, of Manchester and London. [British Architect 27 March 1874 page 200]
Reference Builder 9 August 1873 Page 619
Reference British Architect 20 February 1874 page 125
Reference British Architect 27 March 1874 page 200- and illustration