The Piccadilly Restaurant, Rylands Building , Tib Street, Manchester
THE PICCADILLY RESTAURANT - The new Piccadilly restaurant: is almost ready for use. The restaurant proper looks rather gorgeous with its brilliant blue carpet and walnut walls. The carpet is unusual, for although it medallions upon it, chiefly in fawn. a great expanse of plain colour is left, and this is not usually favoured by those who wish to avoid marks. The steel-hooded silver grill is conspicuous, and one notices that Mr. Fairhurst, the architect. has had sash curtains fixed in the French manner over the lower halves of the windows. This is commonly a device for ground- floor windows, but often increases the intimacy of a room and should do so here. The quick-lunch counter on the ground floor has returned in fashion to mahogany. The panels on the walls are of the streaky variety, and on the counter the wood is quartered and set in patterns. The iron balustrade to the staircase is painted black and has scarlet ornament in it. The bar below stairs is done in lighter mahogany with blue mottled tiles, and the smokeroom is in oak with blue leather settees. The restaurant, which is part of the Rylands Building, on its Tib Street side, calls attention to itself in the street by a yellow neon sign supported on green letters, and by the ornamental bronze grilles over etched Glass and the bronze lamp, which are the main features of the front. [Manchester Guardian 4 March 1933 page 15]