Trevelyan Temperance Hotel Corporation Street Manchester
OPENING OF THE TREVELYAN HOTEL - The Trevelyan Temperance Hotel in Corporation Street built by the Temperance Hotel Company Limited was opened on Tuesday by a fashionable and successful soiree. There are on the ground floor, a large restaurant, very lofty, and lighted by eight windows; a commercial room, manager’s office, tea rooms, dining room, lavatories, and that luxury which even temperate men sometimes require – a well-ventilated smoke room. On the next floor are coffee, billiard, bath and other rooms; and higher up, on different storeys, are some 60 bedrooms, and several private rooms for the accommodation of families. Of these rooms it may be said they are roomy, elegant, and well-furnished. The staircases and corridors are of stone, and great care has been taken in other ways to make the building fire-proof. The kitchen, below stairs, is fitted up with the newest apparatus, and from top to bottom of the house no expense has been spared. The exterior shows a handsome building in the Italian style, which is an ornament to Corporation Street and a credit to the architects, Messrs Clegg and Knowles of this city, whose design was selected out of a large number sent in for competition. The total cost of the building is about £17,000. [Manchester Times 18 February 1865 page 3]
The company was wound up on 3 January 1879. (London Gazette 28 January 1879 page 428) About 1895 the building was converted to multi-occupancy offices - Treveylan Buildings. Fred Dixon had offices here
Reference Builder 25 February 1865 Page 144
Reference Manchester Guardian 15 February 1865 page 3
Reference Manchester Times 18 February 1865 page 3