Building Name

Victoria terrace Aberystwyth (Architectural Competition)

Architectural competition
unplaced entry

ABERYSTWYTH - VICTORIA TERRACE. - At a meeting of the Town Council, held on the l5th inst, plans were received from the following architects: Messrs. Murray and Thomas, Liverpool; Walter W. Thomas. Liverpool; F C Boughton, London ; Thomas Shaw, London; E. Bays, London;  J W Beaumont, Manchester : E. Creuse, Warminster; W. H. Spaull, Oswestry; R G Thomas. Menai Bridge; George Jones and Son, Aberystwith : J Davies. 61, Terrace; and Szlumper and Aldwinckle, Aberystwyth and London. After reading the letters and inspecting the plans, the Council selected the designs prepared by J W Szlmnper, Aberystwyth,' and T. Aldwinckle, London.

"It is generally supposed," says a correspondent, “that, although the Council advertised for working drawings, they have purchased, at the low figure of £10, one of those competition drawings, prepared, etched, or coloured in the most artistic style on short notice and moderate terms. It is to be hoped that this wise Council will give this great bargain of a picture a prominent place in their Art Gallery. I suggest on the line, alongside of some of their magnificent and valuable works of art." [Building News 25 December 1874 page 751]

Reference           Building News 25 December 1874 page 751