Warehouse 101 Princess Street
This warehouse (the property of Mr William Carver) now in course of erection from the designs and under the superintendence of Messrs Clegg and Knowles - to whom Manchester is indebted for other specimens of warehouse architecture - is being built for Messrs George Frazier Son and Company, merchants, of Manchester. The building occupies a site bounded by Portland-street on the west, Silver-street on the east, Abingdon-street on the north, and David-street on the south; comprising an area of 884 square yards. The principal fronts to Portland-street and David-street are entirely of stone, with red granite shafts to the entrances. The other fronts are of brick and ironwork. The style adopted is Italian Gothic, freely applied. The warehouse consists of a sub-basement for the machinery (sunk about 20 feet below street level), basement story fro the packing presses, ground floor and four upper floors with an attic in the roof. The principal offices and sample rooms are placed on the first floor, the other floors being appropriated to ware-rooms and offices for the several separate departments of the Manchester trade. The sub-basement will contain eight hydraulic packing presses with 14 inch rams, to lift 360 tons; two 25-horse boilers, two 20-horse high pressure steam engines, six sets of pumps and all other machinery requisite for working the hoists and cranes. A covered loading way extends through the rear of the building from Abingdon-street to David-street, containing a loading platform, two swing cranes and two hoists for raising goods. Mr William Southern of Salford is the contractor for the superstructure. Messrs Higgin and Son executed the cellars and foundations. The machinery is being fitted up by Messrs Norbuey and Shaw, engineers, Salford. The carving is being executed by Messrs Simkin and Stewart, from designs supplied by the architects. The building may be taken as a good example of the warehouses which are common in Manchester. [Builder 22 October 1870 Page 849]
Reference Builder 22 October 1870 Page 847- 849 including illustration