Building Name

Assembly Hall and Bakery, Barehill Street, Littleborough

1906 - 1906
Barehill Street
Littleborough, Rochdale
GMCA, England
Littleborough Co‑operative Society Ltd.
New Build

LITTLEBOROUGH - The new assembly‑hall and bakery of the Littleborough Co‑operative Society Ltd. has been opened for inspection by members. They front Barehill‑street, and are comprised in a two‑storied building of Yorkshire parpoint which adjoins the society’s stables in Leah-street. The ground floor is set apart for the bakery, cooling chamber, from which opens out a covered leading‑way and stoking‑place. The walls of the bakery are of white glazed bricks, and a floor of concrete is covered with. Staffordshire red tiles. The assembly‑hall is situated, on the first floor. Entrance is gained from, Barehill‑street through glass‑panelled swing, doors, and a short flight of stairs leads to a vestibule. The walls of the staircase are covered with light green tiles. Cloakrooms open on to the vestibule. The assembly‑hall is capable of seating 400 persons. The woodwork is finished in white enamel, and there are ornamental lead lights and distempered walls. Maple blocks have been used for flooring; the hammer‑beam roof is of varnished pitch‑pine, and increased light is admitted through four dormer windows. The gas‑lamps, which afford the artificial lighting to the hall, are each of 300 candle-power; heating is by steam‑pipes and radiators. Arranged around the sides of the room are tip‑up seats. There are also a kitchen and store‑room, and an emergency exit giving access to the yard at the rear of the premises by an iron ladder has been provided. The building has been built from the plans of Mr. R. Worcester, of the Architects’ Department of the Co‑operative Wholesale Society, and the greater part of the work has been carried out by local firms.[Building News 28 December 1906

Reference           The Building News 28 December 1906.

