Central Offices: Warwick Street, Prestwich
PRESTWICH CO-OPERATORS, OPENING OF THE NEW OFFICES - At Prestwich on Saturday the new Co-operative offices, board and guild rooms in Warwick Street which have been erected at a cost of over £2,000, were opened. The ceremony was performed by Mr. Noah Briggs, general manager and secretary of the society, to whom a suitably inscribed silver key was presented by Mr. R. Worcester, assistant architect to the Co-operative Wholesale Society, Manchester. [Manchester Courier - Monday 27 March 1905 page 10]
The building consists of four floors - basement containing large stationery store and strong rooms with walls faced with glazed bricks, kitchen and heating cellars. The general office is on the ground floor and has a desk capacity for twenty-four clerks, a dining room for the staff and private office for the manager which opens out at the back of the general office, and there is also a lavatory provided here for the use of the clerks. On the first floor are the board and committee rooms, and on the second floor are two guild rooms. Ante-rooms and lavatories are also provided on each floor. Special attention has been given to the lighting of the premises, which is done by electricity, and the building has been heated throughout. The external walls are faced with Accrington red plastic bricks with buff terra cotta dressings to the floor and window openings. [Empire News & The Umpire - Sunday 26 March 1905 Page 7]
Reference Manchester Courier - Monday 27 March 1905 page 10
Reference Empire News & The Umpire - Sunday 26 March 1905 Page 7
Reference Manchester Evening News - Monday 27 March 1905 page 2