Co-operative Premises, Bridge Street, Andover
TO BUILDERS The Committee of the Andover Co-operative Society are about to erect new premises in Bridge Street, Andover, consisting of Shops, Bakery and Stables. Any Builder desirous of Tendering for the same are requested to send in their names to the Architect, Mr. R. Worcester, Co-operative Wholesale Society Limited, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester, together with a cheque for One Guinea as deposit for Bills of Quantities, which will be returned on receipt of a bone fide tender. The Committee will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender and will not accept any tenders in separate trades. [Southern Echo - Tuesday 12 January 1909 page 1]
The first Co-operative store in Andover was established in New Street but this survived just a few months; the Society then moved to a site on Bridge Street, next to the bus station, and finally in 1909 to a larger site on the opposite side of the road on which three successive stores would eventually be built. This last Bridge Street site was originally restricted to the west by long-standing leases held by the Catherine Wheel coffee tavern and Collis’ cycle shop. Both expired in 1921 at which time the Andover Co-operative Society, having bought the freeholds some years earlier, was free to demolish these buildings. In March 1923 a new enlarged store was opened, incorporating the 1909 premises, much altered.
Reference Southern Echo - Tuesday 12 January 1909 page 1